Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Professional Skills And Development (PSD) - Detailed Syllabus

Professional Skills and Development is one of the subjects for B.Sc. - IT and following is the detailed syllabus for the subject :

i) Effective communication in Business, Importance and benefits of effectivecommunication., Components of communication, The concepts and problems ofcommunication, Non-verbal communication.
ii) Seven C's of Effective Communication, The Process of preparing EffectiveBusiness Messages.
iii) The Appearance and Design of Business messages, Business letters,Memorandums, Special time saving message media.
iv) Persuasive Written Business, Short Reports, Long (Formal) Reports, Strategiesfor Successful Speaking and Successful Listening, Strategies for SuccessfulInformative and Persuasive Speaking., Strategies for successful interpersonalCommunication, Strategies for successful Business and Group Meetings.
v) Activities: Communication Games, Report writing skills, Effective communicationSkills, Technical Project Report preparation.
vi) Issues of basic human Psychology and value system.
vii) Negotiation Skills


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