Visual Basic 6.0 (VB) - Detailed Syllabus
Visual Basic 6.0 is one of the subjects for Semester 5 of B.Sc.-IT and following is the detailed syllabus for the subject :
1) Introduction to Visual Basic
Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI), Programming Language (Procedural,
Object Oriented, Event Driven), The Visual Basic Environment, How to use VB
complier to compile / debug and run the programs.
2) Introduction to VB Controls
Textboxes, Frames, Check Boxes , Option Buttons, Images, Setting a Border &
Styles, The Shape Control, The line Control, Working with multiple controls and their properties, Designing the User Interface, Keyboard access, tab controls, Default & Cancel property, Coding for controls.
3) Variables, Constants, and Calculations
Variables, Variables Public, Private, Static, Constants, Data Types, Naming
rules/conventions, Constants, Named & intrinsic, Declaring variables, Scope of
variables, Val Function, Arithmetic Operations, Formatting Data.
4) Decision & Conditions
If Statement, If ?then-else Statement, Comparing Strings, Compound
Conditions(And, Or, Not), Nested If Statements, Case Structure ,Using If statements with Option Buttons & Check Boxes, Displaying Message in Message Box, Testing whether Input is valid or not.
Using Call Statement to call a procedure.
5) Menus, Sub-Procedures and Sub-functions
Defining / Creating and Modifying a Menu, Using common dialog box, Creating a
new sub-procedure, Passing Variables to Procedures, Passing Argument ByVal or
ByRef, Writing a Function Procedure,
6) Multiple Forms
Creating , adding, removing Forms in project, Hide, Show Method, Load, Unload
Statement, Me Keyword, Referring to Objects on a Different Forms,
7) List, Loops and Printing
List Boxes & Combo Boxes, Filling the List using Property window / AddItem Method, Clear Method, List box Properties, Removing an item from a list, List Box/ Combo Box, Do/Loops, For/Next Loops, Using MsgBox Function, Using String Function, Printing to printer using Print Method,
8) Arrays Single-Dimension Arrays, Initializing an Array using for Each, User-Defined Data Types, Accessing Information with User-Defined Data Types, Using List Boxes with Array, Two dimensional arrays.
9) OOP in VB
Classes, Creating a new Class, Creating a new object using a class, choosing when to create New Objects, The Initialize & Terminate events.
10) Data Files
Opening and Closing Data Files, The Free File Function, Viewing the data in a file, Sequential File Organization (Writing Data to a sequential Disk File, Creating a sequential data file, Reading the Data in a sequential file, Finding the end of a Data file, Locating a file). Trapping Program Errors, The Err Object, Random Data File Opening a random file, Reading and writing a random file(Get, Put, LOF, Seek).
11) Accessing Database File
Creating the database files for use by Visual Basic ( Using MS-Access
), Using the Data Control ,setting its property, Using Data Control with forms,
navigating the database in code ( the recordset object using the movenext,
movepreviouse, movefirst & movelast methods , checking for BOF & EOF, using
listboxes & comboboxes as data bound controls, updating a database file ( adding, deleting records ) .
12) Advanced data handling
Displaying data in grids ( grid control, properties of grid ) , displaying the record no & record count, opening the database, validation & error trappings ( locking text boxes, trap errors with On Error, file open errors ) , Recordset , searching for a specific record ( findfirst, findnext, findlast, findprevious,) , seek method, working with database fields, creating a new dynaset.
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